<3 <3 <3

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I loved this. I too am really contemplating these questions and there is something really scary about not participating with others in this giving of energy to consumerism or exploitation - as if I don’t belong with many at all if I am off social media, didn’t buy anything this weekend, work less and earn less to preserve (and restore) my body’s resilience and relationships that matter to me. I often feel like I am being labeled as the odd, too sensitive one, who can’t cope with the world well. It is nice to read your letter and feel it framed as a wise thing to reject what we didn’t ask for. Thank you for writing! ♥️

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Thank you so much for reading and reflecting, Emily. I know that feeling...of feeling left out in some way. We are so indoctrinated into capitalism, and overworking ourselves. Reading your comment is nourishing to me because we really aren’t alone in this. There are many of us out in the world wanting to allow slowness and presence. ❤️

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